SQAS assessments
SQAS is a tool to evaluate managementsystems, with respect to quality, safety, security and environment of the suppliers of logistical services in an uniform manner by means of a standardized questionnaire. this avoids the chemical companies to do their individual audits °. Thereby the SQAS report help the chemical companies in their choice of logistical company, as well as at the drawing up of improvement programmes.
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EFTCO Food assessments
The EFTCO Food Asessment is meant for companies that are in the business of tank/tanktrailer and silo/silotrailer cleaning. The questionnaire can be used by companies that are involved in cleaning tanks/silo's that contained foodstuffs and that would like to comply with HACCP principles.
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IMPCAS/CDI assessments
The IMPCAS (international Navy Packed cargo audits Scheme; formerly CDI-MPC) evaluates the management systems with respect to Responsible Care, quality, safety, security and environment of the suppliers of logistical services in an uniform manner by means of a standardized questionnaire. The IMPCAS reports help the chemical companies in their choice of logistical services as well as at the drawing up of improvement programmes.
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